Monday, January 27, 2020
Information System Business
Information System Business A system, whether automated or manual, that comprises people, machines, and/or methods organized to collect, process, transmit, and disseminate data that represent user information. The elements of an information system are Workload, Response time, Throughput, Resource utilization, Resource service time. In other words information system is a system in which all the data is stored, analyzed and output with all the options is given to the managerial level to make decision for the development of the business. It is a system which is helpful at levels of business. Information systems deal with the development, use and management of an organizations IT infrastructure. In the post-industrial, information age, the focus of companies has shifted from being product oriented to knowledge oriented, in a sense that market operators today compete on process and innovation rather than product: the emphasis has shifted from the quality and quantity of production, to the production process itself, and the services that accompany the production process. The biggest asset of companies today, is their information, represented in people, experience, know-how, innovations (patents, copyrights, trade secrets), and for a market operator to be able to compete, he/she must have a strong information infrastructure, at the heart of which, lies the information technology infrastructure. Thus, the study of information systems focuses on why and how technology can be put into best use to serve the information flow within an organization. Compare and contrast the roles of systems designers from systems builders. System Designer has to collect the information for the system to be designed. Than analyze the gathered information. Create a document to show how the system is going to functioning; what are the requirements, who are the users, what would be the environment for the system. System builders: Based on the system design document system builders develops a plan to build the system, resources needed to develop the system, resource utilization plan, time needed to build the system. What are the similarities and differences between business and data requirements? Business Requirement: A requirement is a description of what a system should do. Systems may have from dozens to hundreds of requirements. A requirement describes a condition to which a system must conform; either derived directly or indirectly from user needs. A requirement for a computer system specifies what you want or desire from a system. Requirements should be: unique in scope. Is this the only requirement that defines this particular objective? precise in wording. Are there any vague words that are difficult to interpret? bounded by concrete expectations. Are there concrete boundaries in the objectives? irrefutably testable. Can you build one or more test cases that will completely verify all aspects of this requirement? Data Requirement: To build or create the above business requirement data is needed to analyze the business requirements. Based on the data collected report is created to justify the business requirement. How does the concept of work-flow change the focus of a traditional information system? Workflow can be described simply as the movement of documents and tasks through a business process. Workflow can be a sequential progression of work activities or a complex set of processes each taking place concurrently, eventually impacting each other according to a set of rules, routes, and roles. Workflow is acknowledged in the industry for facilitating powerful and flexible process automation. It is a tool that both business users and IT professionals can use to automate business processes and track work as it moves through the organization ensuring that the right work gets to the right person at the right time. It can be scaled from a small departmental solution to an enterprise-level Business Process Management solution that supports thousands of concurrent users across multiple sites. By that productivity can be increased and managed. Workflow Management Systems Workflow Management Systems allow organizations to define and control the various activities associated with a business process. In addition, many management systems also allow a business the opportunity to measure and analyze the execution of the process so that continuous improvements can be made. Such improvements may be short-term (e.g., reallocation of tasks to better balance the workload at any point in time) or long-term (e.g., redefining portions of the workflow process to avoid bottlenecks in the future). Most workflow systems also integrate with other systems used by the organization: document management systems, databases, e-mail, office automation products, Describe the major aspects of a feasibility analysis. The feasibility of a project can be ascertained in terms of technical factors, economic factors, or both. It is a study documented with a report showing all the aspects of the project. Different Feasibility studies are as follows: Technical Feasibility. It refers to the ability of the process to take advantage of the current technology in pursuing further improvement. The technical capability of the personnel as well as the capability of the available technology should be considered. Technology transfer between geographical areas and cultures needs. Managerial Feasibility: It involves the capability of the infrastructure of a process to achieve improvement. Support of Management, Involvement of employee, and commitment are key elements required for managerial feasibility. Economic Feasibility: This involves the feasibility of the proposed project to generate economic benefits. A cost-benefit analysis is important aspects of evaluating the economic feasibility of projects. The tangible and intangible aspects of a project should be translated into economic terms to facilitate a consistent basis for evaluation. Financial Feasibility: It involves the capability of the project organization to raise the appropriate funds needed to implement the proposed project. Project financing can be a major obstacle in large multi-party projects because of the level of capital required. It is done to determine that whether it is worth to spend that much money according to the profit analysis. Cultural Feasibility. It deals with the compatibility of the proposed project with the cultural setup of the project environment. As an example: religious beliefs may influence what an individual is willing to do or not do. Social Feasibility. Social feasibility addresses the influences that a proposed project may have on the social system in the project environment. The ambient social structure may be such that certain categories of workers may be in short supply or nonexistent. The effect of the project on the social status of the project participants must be assessed to ensure compatibility. It should be recognized that workers in certain industries may have certain status symbols within the society. Safety Feasibility. Safety feasibility is another important aspect that should be considered in project planning. It refers to an analysis of whether the project is capable of being implemented and operated safely with minimal adverse effects on the environment. Political Feasibility. Political considerations often dictate direction for a proposed project. This is particularly true for large projects with national visibility that may have significant government inputs and political implications. Environmental Feasibility. Concern must be shown and action must be taken to address any and all environmental concerns raised or anticipated. It mostly done for bio technological projects.. Market Feasibility. The market needs analysis to view the potential impacts of market demand, competitive activities, etc. and market share available. Price war activities by competitors, whether local, regional, national or international, must also be analyzed for early contingency funding and debt service negotiations during the start-up, ramp-up, and commercial start-up phases of the project. What is scope creep? Give an example and describe methods for controlling creep. A scope creep means when an unavoidable or unexpected change occurs while the project development. It can also result in a project team overrunning its original budget and schedule. If budget or schedule is not increased along with scope, the change is usually considered an unacceptable addition to the project is known as scope creep. Methods for controlling creep : Expect that there will be scope creep. Implement Change Order forms early and educate the project drivers on your processes. A Change Order form will allow you to perform a cost-benefit analysis before scheduling changes requested by the project drivers. Be sure you thoroughly understand the project vision. Meet with the project developers and deliver an overview of the project as a whole for their review and comments. List the priorities. Make an ordered list for your review throughout the project duration. Items should include budget, deadline, feature delivery, customer satisfaction, and employee satisfaction Define your deliverables and have them approved by the project developers. Deliverables should be general descriptions of functionality to be completed during the project. Divide the approved deliverables into actual work requirements. The requirements should be as detailed as necessary. The larger your project, the more detail you should include. If your project spans more than a month or two, dont forget to include time for software upgrades during development and always include time for ample documentation. Break the project into major and minor milestones. Minor milestones span should not be more than a month. Whatever your method for determining task duration, leave room for error. When working with an unknown staff schedule 140 to 160 percent of the duration as expected to be delivered. If your schedule is tight, reevaluate your deliverables. Once a schedule has been created, assign resources and determine your critical path using a PERT Chart or Work Breakdown Structure. Your critical path will change over the course of your project, so its important to evaluate it before development begins. Follow the map to determine which deliverables must be completed on time. Describe PERT charts. What major elements are tracked? PERT (Program Evaluation and Review technique) A PERT chart is a project management tool used to schedule, organize, and coordinate tasks within a project. It is a methodology developed by the U.S. Navy in the 1950s to manage the Polaris submarine missile program. A PERT chart looks more like a flow chart and concentrates on the relationships between tasks and less on the timeline. PERT charts emphasize task relationships rather than time. Major Elements tracked are : Identify the specific activities and their milestones. Determine the proper sequence of the activities Construct a network diagram. Estimate the time required for each activity. It has 3 types of timing which are Optimistic time, Most likely time and Pessimistic time. Determine the critical path in the process. It is helpful to determine ES (Earliest Start Time), EF(Earliest Finish Time), LS (Latest Start time) and LF (latest Finish Time. Update the PERT CHART along the progress of project. Define Systems Analysis. Systems Analysis is a deep and through study of an existing system or the new system that has to be created. In it all the aspects are taken into condition like whether the new system would be helpful for the business to grow or run smoothly, Cost effective, improve the overall system process for the business. System Analysis more emphasis is given to understanding the details of an existing system or a proposed one and then deciding whether the proposed system is desirable or not and whether the existing system needs improvements. Thus, system analysis is the process of investigating a system, identifying problems, and using the information to recommend improvements to the system. An analysis report is generated and based on it system design document is prepared. Or Systems analysis of an operating system consists of the evaluation of the efficiency, economy, accuracy, and productivity of existing procedures measured against the stated objectives of the library; and the design of new procedures to satisfy the demands of management and user. What is a use case? What are the elements and how is it used? USE CASE: A Use Case is a top level category of system functionality (i.e.: Log on, Shut down, etc.). A Use Case has graphical representation and/or a text description. The diagram or description identifies all the actors (outside of the system) involved in the function, as well as an indication of how the Use Case is initiated. The collection of Use Case diagrams provides a ‘context diagram of system interfaces. Each Use Case constitutes a complete list of events initiated by an Actor and it specifies the interaction that takes place between an Actor and the System. In a Use Case the system is viewed as opaque, where only the inputs, outputs, and functionality matter. Components of USE CASE: The Use Case diagram just provides a quick overview of the relationship of actors to Use Cases. The meat of the Use Case is the text description. This text will contain the following: Name Case ID Brief Description SRS (software requirement specification)Requirements Supported Pre Post Conditions Event Flow The requirements in the SRS are each uniquely numbered so that they may be accounted for in the verification testing. These requirements should be mapped to the Use Case that satisfies them for accountability. What is the purpose of Primary and Foreign Keys on database tables? Primary key constraint is set a database table to make a record unique. In other words to avoid duplicate records primary key constrain is created. It can be on field or an combination of more than one field. Foreign key constraint is created to check a matching entry in another table which it refers. It is useful to link two tables with different details. It can have relationship like one to one or one to many. Foreign key is referenced by the primary key or unique key field in another table. BONUS Describe the similarities that exist between the Project Management, Systems Analysis and Information Systems lifecycles. Project Management Lifecycle System Analysis and Information System Lifecycle Phase I: Project Initiation Phase I System Initiation and Feasibility Study Phase II: Project planning Phase II Project Planning and Functional Analysis Phase III System Design Phase III: Project Execution Phase IV Programming Phase V Testing and Implementation Project Closure Phase VI Post-Implementation Evaluation
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Elaine Showalter-The Female Tradition Essay
In her book ‘A Literature of Their Own’, Showalter attempts to rediscover the lost Atlantis of female writingfrom the archives of British literary history, for which she tries to assemble women’s writing of that period into a linear developmental process dividing it into three phases depending upon their unique characteristics, that is, the Feminine, Feminist and Female phase which thereby establishes the existence of a female tradition in the history of literature. In this essay, I shall elaborate the three phases as propounded by Showalter while critically evaluating the boundaries of these said categories. The latter half of this essay shall deal with the complexities of Showalter’s formation and classification of British women novelist’s literary genealogy. Showalter classifies the first stage of female literary history as the ‘feminine phase’ referring to literature produced during the period of 1840 to 1880.She proposes that women wrote during this period as imitator of dominant patriarchal standards conforming to the notions of high-brow literature and internalised masculine standard of art and their view on social roles, thereby developing an internalized feminine ‘self-hatred’. The disguise taken up by female authors through the use of male pseudonyms as seen in the case of the Bronte sisters, George Eliot, etc. is a perfect example of the constant rejection that women practised with regards to their ‘masculine’ nature, while at the same time signals a ‘loss of innocence’ for women as they subtly grapple with the idea of role playing required by their gender. Certain areas of experience and knowledge such as sexuality, passion, ambition and male transcendence (as propounded in Simone De Beauvoir’s theory) lied beyond the ambits of the Victorian ‘angel in the house’ or ‘the Perfect Lady’ and therefore were suppressed by women in their writing through practices of displacement (as seen in Lydia’s case in Pride and Prejudice), splitting of self (as seen in Jane Eyre through the figures of Jane and Bertha) or even punishment (as seen in the character of Maggie in The Mill On The Floss) to uphold the idea of ‘womanliness’ in their writing. Therefore, it seemed that women novelists were compensating for their will to write by preaching submission and self-sacrifice, working at home and denouncing female self-assertiveness. However women did not simply conform to the pattern of society’s concept of ‘work for others’ and challenged the patriarchal reception of women’s writing in their own subtle ways. Emily Bronte in her novel Wuthering Heights finds release to explore the fenced territories of dark passion, madness, ruthless desire and its politics through the character of Heathcliff as he would be less scrutinised by male critics. This struggle became a site of anxiety for women writers as the act of writing in itself represented the wish to transcend the defined feminine boundaries of their society, and therefore reconstructed the political and public spheres for women. As Showalter states, the women writers of this period often grappled with the question, â€Å"where did obedience to her father and husband end and the responsibility of self-fulfilment became paramount?†Another vital aspect of this phase is the carving of space for womenin the literary circle as done by feminine writers for women to follow against the hostility and critiques they received from their male competitors and society at large. G. H. Lewes in his 1852 review â€Å"The Lady Novelist†proposed that women’s literature had fallen short of their task owning to their natural weakness of imitation. Many male critics called women’s novel â€Å"bland, didactic and senseless rambling†not taking into account the antagonism women received at the hands of male critics whenever they tried to transgress into the ‘male domains of knowledge and language’ of politics, power and desire. The ‘damns’ in Jane Eyre or the ‘dialect’ in Wuthering Heights or the slangs of Rhoda Broughton’s heroine termed as vulgar, unholy and termed by Victorian readers as ‘coarseness’. On the one hand, this ‘double bind’ that paralysed women writers made them feel humiliated by the condescension received from male critics making them obsess over the desire to avoid special treatment and achieve genuine excellence and on the other hand,it made them anxious about appearing unwomanly in their works too. Despite all such obstacles, women overcame the hurdles placed upon them by patriarchal conditioning of repression, concealment and self-censorship and participated in the literary process thereby creating a space for their sex which was earlier not availed to them. The major contribution of the novelists of this phase to the female tradition to follow was the enabling of a cultural exchange that had a special personal significance for women at large. Following this comes the ‘feminist phase’ spanning from 1880 to 1920 which comes to aculmination following the winning of â€Å"the vote†for women. This period was marked by protest and struggle for one’s rights, oppositional equation that the female author developed with their male critics, advocacy of minority rights and values, including a demand for autonomy and seems to stand in opposition to the earlier feminine phase as it defined by an ardent ‘feminist withdrawal’. As against the casing of issues as practiced by earlier writers, women writers of the feminist period acknowledged their sexuality, passions and desire publically without any sense of patriarchal guilt or shame. Since this period also overlaps with women’s suffragette movement in Britain and America, they had also become politically assertive and this literally was translated into literature as the battle of the two sexes. The impetus provided to women’s writin g by such political activism can be seen in the works of Virginia Woolf, Elizabeth Robins, etc. The influence of the political movement gave rise to the development of an array of new characters such as men who were â€Å"effeminate fops by day and fearless heroes by night†. In contrast to earlier women writers who saw male characters as a means to escape patriarchal domination, not realising that they were exchanging one set of chains for the other; female writers of this period use male figure to further their own emancipation and re-examine the stereotypes placed upon them by their patriarchal society as done by the Sensationalist women writers in their novels. An example of this would be Florence Marryat’s Love’s Conflict where she holistically examines the exploitative trap set for women by patriarchal society’s conception of love.Such awakening resulted into a complete rejection of the notion of femininity and attacked the figure of the self-sacrificing woman in exchange for agency and self-expression. Fidelity and chastity on men’s part became a contested issue in the literature of this period and thereby reversed the question of female faithfulness to question male loyalty. The politics of pseudonym also changed during this period as ‘Sarah Grand’ the persona taken up by Frances Elizabeth Bellenden McFall expressed a feminist pride. All these trends amalgamated into the creation of an ‘Amazon Utopia’ which rejected all notions femininity in exchange for intense female solidarity derived from a complete rejection of the then established notion of ‘womanhood and femininity’. Another major contribution of the writers of this phase is the professionalism they introduced with regards to female authorship. Just as the transition from self-hatred to feminist withdrawal was an essential shift in the two phases, similarly equality in terms of monetary payments to women writers as against the disparate differences in terms of earnings of male and female writers (a characteristic of the previous phase) was challenged and overhauled which provided women writes of this period further incentive to take up writing as a profession rather than an activity of leisure as practised by their predecessors. As Showalter argues, women by 1860’s had started â€Å"to retain their copyrights, work with printers on the commission basis and edit their own magazine†. This did not only offer women with an alternative space for securing financial support and fortifying independence from ‘patriarchal commercialism’ but also provided them with themuch required artistic and ideological freedom to explore issues concerning their lives and experiences. Women by discerning over ideas of their day to day concerns actively participated into reviewing ideas of established ‘Femininity’ and thereby providing the foundation for future women writers to develop and completely deconstruct the notion of gender and its attributes. This was followed by the last stage,that is, the ‘female phase’ beginning in 1920 and continuing to the present, which according to Showalter from 1960 onwards has entered a new era of self-awareness. This phase is the least theorised and developed by her as it is yet to meet a conclusion. The writers of this phase carry the dual cultural baggage of the history of female authorship in the form of ‘feminine self-hatred and feminist withdrawal’, yet have initiated the task of insistent self-exploration backed by rejection of male culture moving towards separationist literature focusing on inner space and psychological interrogation rather than being socially focused so as to escape the materialistic, harsh realities of the patriarchal world. The metaphor explored by many female writers for this motif was ‘the enclosed and secret room’ which ‘extended the fantasies of enclosure’ in the form of secret rooms, hideaway attics and suffragette cells as represented in the works of Mrs Molesworth’s The Tapestry Room or Virginia Woolf’s A Room Of one’s Own. The application of this female aestheticism by writers of that period transformed itself into the fragmentation of the self through a feminist cultural analysis of words, language and ideology in their novels. This self-destructive rite of women’s aestheticism and receptivity leading to suicidal vulnerability is exemplified in the careers of Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath.Paradoxically, the furthering of female aestheticism also led to an apparent fringing from sexuality and its politics, where the site of the body wasveiled, disguised or denied for insistence of artistic freedom and autonomy, leading Showalter to state that even though women’s writing was â€Å"erotically charged and drenched with sexual symbolism, female aestheticism is nonetheless oddly sexless in its content†. This leads to the popularization of the idea of ‘androgyny’ in women literature of this period (Bloomsbury group being a major contributor to this ideology). Showalterfurther develops this phase stating that the literature of the female phaseentered a new, dynamic stage in 1960 to incorporate and develop itself on Marxist, Feminist and Psychoanalytical theories and therefore helped women to both deconstruct and reconstruct their identities while providing society with women’s view of life, experience, originality and individuality; as demanded by G. H. Lewis and J. S. Mill. Continuing with the conflicts of the feminist phase, novelists of this period continue to struggle with the binaries of â€Å"art and love, between self-fulfilment and duty†, but work by consolidating the gains of the past while working with a new range of language and experience converting sexuality and anger (earlier treated only as attributes of realistic characters) into sources of ‘female creative powers’. In this light, women writers have tried to unify their fragmented experience through artistic vision which Showalter states will u ltimately leadthem to make a choice between assimilation and separation into literary mainstream in the near future. The assembly of the lineage of women novelists as done by Showalter through the construction of the above mentioned three phases in her book has significantly contributed to the establishment of a Female Literary Tradition and has helped to unearth the vast expanse of women’s literature, previously ignored. However, it appears to me that there are certain foundational impediments in her work. A major premise for her work remains the construction of women’s literary history through the genre of novel writing alone which thereby excludes the colossal mass of literature that women wrote in the forms of drama, poetry, diaries, social tracts, autobiographies, etc. To formulate any kind of literary history for women’s writing without taking into account all these genres will necessarily provide us with a fractional and restrictive imagine thereby undermining the profundity and versatility of women’s imagination, creativity and intellectual labour. To see novel writing as the only path through which women entered and created a space for themselves in literary field is not just a reductionist interrogation of the history of writing but is also an injustice done to the massive proportion of women writers who were not ‘fortunate enough’ to enter this particular field and instead worked incessantly to carve out a space for women in other genres as done by figures of Elizabeth Barrett Browning andAlice Meynell (poetess), Alice James (diarist), Hannah More (dramatist), Florence Nightingale and Mary Carpenter (social Tracts) etc. Similarly, many novelists also attempted other genres of writing and deflating their efforts outside novel writing is also playing into the patriarchal trap of reducing the toils of women writers to a singularly defined category for purposes of convenience. Similarly, Showalter in her book advances a certain dimension of universality into the category of 19th century British women novelist, pedestrianizing her struggles and triumphs over many others. Though she mentions that her foundation for the historical re-evaluation of women’s writing is the 19th century British novelist, her disregard for the categories of third world, post-colonial women’s literature is apparent in her vocabulary. Within the foundation of her work, she fails to take into account the pivotal issue of class based Marxist evaluation of the development of women’s writing movement.To not take into account the economic constraints under which women had to work to enter the field of literature will blemish the depth and shared experience of a particular class of women writers and will also deter us from analysing their works as repositories of class strained social realism of that age. The absence of any class based differential paradigm for reviewing the works of British women novelists is an immense undercutting of the forces of patriarchy and capitalism and the role they played in obstructing women’s path to literacy emancipation.Therefore, even though she challenges the notion of the ‘canon’ by re-evaluating the exclusion of women from its centre, Showalter nonetheless, never deconstructs the ‘canon’ itself but works simply to readjust it to the requirements of a specific group of ’21st century female British academician’. Her stating that the sensation novelists of the late 19th century did not add significantly to the intellectual issues of that age but rather contributed to women’s cause byacquiring public literary space exemplifies the same. Nonetheless, despite all such complexities, Showalter’s assertion of the value of the ‘lost’ works of women writers and their role in history initiates a process of questioning and subverting of the patriarchal edifice of the ‘history of literature’. Feminine, Feminist and Female writers all had to contend with the cultural and political forces of their age and the epistemological classification of these three stages themselves reveals the developmental process that has taken place with regards to women’s writing. â€Å"The Female Tradition†is a record of the conditions and struggle that women breathed through to gain agency andchoice for their sex. Therefore even though Showalter does not pursue the full scope of her questions, she nevertheless opens the opportunity for individuals following her to further her theory and critically analyse the homogenizing politics of literary history, from not just the perspective of gender but also from a class, race and linguistic perspective. Here, Louise Bernikow’s comment becomes extremely crucial and exemplary: â€Å"What is commonly called literary history is actually a record of choices. Which writers have survived their time and which have not depends upon who noticed them and chose to record the notice.†Bibliography: Elaine Showalter’s â€Å"A Literature of Their Own†.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Humanities Today Paper Essay
Humanities is the academic discipline that study human culture , incorporating methods that are critical, analytical and hypothetical that also have important historic components, acclaimed from the approaches from natural science. Humanities consist of philosophy, performing arts, modern and ancient languages, literature, religion and visual. Social sciences such as history, anthropology, area studies, communications studies, cultural studies, linguistics and law are also viewed as segments of humanities. In this meaning the key point for identifying humanities from other modes of individual query is the point that humanities depends on traditional and significant presentation rather than concept and reasoning. Humanities consult about the human’s presentation of his or her environment. The queries come from the common inhabitants or an individuals own concept of the reaction to traditional events and the way that it is indicated by way of art, technology, politics, literature music, structure, and religious beliefs. Other modes of individual query are centered off of confirmed information and scientific concepts. Music Music has changed drastically since the 90’s .Walkman’s and tape players were what were used to listen to music and today technology has change and enables you to listen and access music from the internet such as Pandora, ITunes and you tube, and cell phones such as smart phones and IPod’s. Music has an influence on politics and political movements. Songs such as the national Anthem, patriotic songs and political campaign jingles are all apart of music with in politics these songs are called topical songs (Goodman, 2013). A powerful connection between the art and politics, particularly between various types of art and power, occurs across traditional epochs and societies. As they reply to coexisting events and state politics, art takes on governmental as well as public measurements, becoming themselves a target of debate and even a power of governmental as well as social transformations. Art A great number of colleges offer classes such as computer science, engineering, electronic music and digital art. These classes enable an individual to create and design is through technology. In regards to components, architecture has to do with the preparing, developing and building form, room and atmosphere that indicate efficient, specialized, social, ecological, and visual concerns (Thagard, 2013). It requires the artistic adjustment and synchronization of material, engineering, light and darkness. Architecture involves the realistic aspects of recognizing components, such as arranging, cost effectiveness and development management as certification produced by designers, sketches, plans and specialized requirements, framework and actions of a building or any other kind of system that is to be or has been constructed. Philosophy Philosophy and politics are generally linked together. As both talk about the query of what is excellent and how individuals should remain. From olden days, and well beyond them, the origins of justified reason for governmental power were certainly linked with outlooks on individual instinct (Thagard 2008). In The Republic, Plato provided the discussion that the perfect community would be run by authorities of philosopher-kings, since those best at viewpoint are best able to recognize the excellent. John Dewey, Martin Heidegger, Herbert Marcuse, and Gunther Arendt are outstanding philosophers from the 20th century that seen technology as a pathway to the modern life. One of the attributes the people liked about our new president is that he would end wars. Today he is out in a position to where he is going to have to start a war or end one. According to Shapiro his philosophy is â€Å"Those regimes that break the rules must be held accountable,†he said in 2009, while accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway (Shapiro, 2013). Conclusion Implied in many of these justifications supporting the humanities are the components of arguments against community assistance of humanities. John Carroll claims that we reside in a changing world, a world in which â€Å"cultural capital†is being changed with â€Å"scientific literacy†and in which the loving idea of an early humanities student is outdated ( Thagard 2013).
Friday, January 3, 2020
Uses of Computers - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 2942 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category IT Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? USES OF COMPUTERS BYU Online Courses Report Assignment Introduction There are very few people, children and infants included, who think they could live without a computer. Computers can access a variety of websites, help with homework, and give you the ability to formalize and publish media and writing. There are millions of uses that allow us to quickly and more accurately get tasks done. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Uses of Computers" essay for you Create order With it, imagination is limitless. We can create fantasy movies and use cartooning and computer imaging to enhance and make them more realistic. Every day, people use computers to study diseases and find vaccines. The world would not be the same without the existence of the modern computer. Creation Overview Every great invention must have a start, and a purpose. The first man-made chairs were created with a purpose: to be sat on. The first paper was made with a purpose: to enhance writing. So who or what group of people invented the first working computer? What was their original purpose? How did the computer change overtime to its portable, modern form? The answers are not hard, but they have a large impact on the world of today. It is the reason, the roots of the tree that can trace theories back more than one hundred years before the twenty-first century. With key points of information, people can see the contrast between the two time periods and change their direct feeling s toward the modern computer. Basically: the computer must be decoded from the inside out. Creator Background. The creator of the first working and programmable computer was Konrad Zuse (pronounced â€Å"Conrud Tsoosay†). Zuse was born in Berlin, Germany in the year 1910 and raised in Braunsberg, East Prussia, where he attended the Hunanistisches Gymnasium. Later, his schooling led him to the Technische Hochschule of Berlin-Charlottenburg, the place in which he took courses in civil engineering, the classes that inspired him to create our important computer, which put his civil engineering at work. His first computers are listed below in order from the first made to the last listed: Z1 Z2 S1 S2 Z3 Z4 Konrad Zuse completed his first working, programmable computer, the Z1, in 1935-38. The Z2 was also built in this three-year time frame. The Z3, a more advanced model, was completed in 1941. Its successor, the Z4 was completed after the Z1-Z3 were destroyed in an allied bombing. Original Purpose. Konrad Zuse probably didn’t expect how popular his model would be and its unique technical functions that have developed in our twenty-first century lives. But his original purpose was solely aimed toward calculations. He wanted an easier way to calculate mathematical and scientific problems that involve complex numerals and confusing steps. This original purpose is important to contrast with the modern computer because it isolates the truth in our advances and shows us that the beginning of anything doesn’t have to be as complex as things are now. Like I said before, we have to dig from the deep and work our way up if we wish to see the truth of the fresh air of today. First Uses and Overtime Changes. The first uses, like expected, were for calculations. Because of the war at that time, Zuse, who had wormed his way out of the military by persuasion, aided the German air force by creating the S1 and S2. These were the first process-controlled computers. They calculated/measured the surface of the wings of the airplane. After World War II, a little less than thirty-five years later, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/Internet Protocol (IP) is created by Vincent Cerf and Bob Kahn. They considered the creators of the Internet. The Internet is the very start and owner of social media, Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. which came years later. Modern-Day Uses Nowadays, computers are literally the center of the human life force. We rely on it for most of the technology that has entered our world today. It has â€Å"grown†from a large, immovable item to a small, durable way to light the lamp of today. We are so adjusted to life now, especially children that were born after the creation of advanced technology, that we hardly ever notice the way things function and truly how complicated it is to make anything. So before reading this next part, I suggest that you think about how our modern world functions and how truly magnificent everything around you is. Someone used many computers and exact measurements to accomplish goals that seemed impossible. As they say, â€Å"Rome wasn’t built in a day†. Guess what, the world today wasn’t either, so let’s explore the uses of our subject. Fundamentality vs. Purposeful Usage. Fundamentality is the same thing as just being in the state of fun, hence its root word: fun. I split the functions of specific applications on a computer into two categories, fundamentality and purposeful. Fun can be explained easily. Fundamentality is the same thing as just being in the state of fun, hence its root word: fun. These programs function mainly as entertainment for com puter users. They can have a true purpose, such as enhancing knowledge, but their main and most highlighted function is to give the gist of an imaginary or true event. The purposeful usage requires that the application is only for research, education, academics, measurement, etc. Notice that the examples listed have to with things found within our factual/reality lives. Purposeful usage doesn’t mean that it has a purpose (all computer applications do), but that it has an effect on the evidence and knowledge of the human society, such as cures for diseases and planes for military usage. Purposeful usage also signifies as the way to apply items into organized arrangements. Note that some applications can fit into both categories depending on the users’ purpose. These two categories are the main two categories that can be applied to the following section. Software, Internet, Hardware. These three components are very important to the world of computers. They can be subd ivided into Input and Output devices. They are basically the roots of a LOT of technological topics. The software, Internet, and hardware of today are the main subtopics of usage. They can be said to be the most used, also. Software allows people to make organized, three-dimensional figures that can sort or rearrange in a matter of minutes, while hand-done would have taken hours or days for a large project. Software is mostly input. It is more of something you would download as a program that has the risk or potential of being deleted. Internet is a whole different subject. Every day, millions upon millions of people use it for thousands of reasons. Why? Human curiosity is a natural instinct, and with the complexion of websites and information, curiosity is a free being. People use the Internet for multiple purposes, but the most common are research, communication, and finding out news. Hardware is more complicated. It is weaved into the computers system and can be called upon for i nput and output usages. Hardware is the base of computer functioning. These three components occupy the second layer of the flowchart, following after fundamental and purposeful usage. Science and Math. Here’s when complications start. Science and math are probably the two most important aspects of computer usage. That is because every century, at least one major disease dominates the world and the economical legs of society. Scientists use computers to enhance disease treatment, study microscopic organisms and particles for us to have a better conclusion and comprehension of the universe. Though unable to solve many problems, the computer adds on to the trail of information general to the ages of science bit-by-bit, piece-by-piece, and it gives scientist of the future a heads up as to the possible routes of the passage of time. Science is the main joy of the modern computer. On to math. Math can come in many forms, but they all deal with numbers and logic at some point. A greed? Numbers, for the computer, are as simple as pie (pi). Though being an enhanced, programmable calculator was its main purpose, it has been taken out much farther today. As calculators advance, so do computers. Computers are becoming reliable and are coming in more highly engineered forms such as tablets, phones, etc. That means you can easily pull out a calculator combined with all the mathematical tools you need. This variety includes rulers, compasses, calendars, and ways to calculate formulas. People use mathematics for federal purposes, also. They use mathematics to enhance spies and make sure timing for landing of space orbiting machines land within perfect timing. Humans could never have done that without computers. Calculating large numbers using pencil and paper could give you never ending fractions and decimals. Exact measurement is another reason computers and machines are good. If someone cut bars of wood for the frame of a house and they had gotten off on measureme nt, the house probably wouldn’t survive very long, unless it were the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but that’s a different situation. Math and science are two tip-top points in computer usage, but aiming on it exactly would take many pages, so lets refocus onto how regular citizens mean everything to the computer world. Human Society. The human society as a whole must be credited for shaping the desire of computer history. Politicians and government officials have certain goals that must be met in certain time periods. If these are hard, long tasks, it inspires an inventor to create a new kind of technology to match the needs of the political head. If it is an artist who needs a certain number of pixels for a photograph, an inventor must meet those needs by inventing a useful item that contributes to the history of mankind. Inventors are driven by three main causes. These three are money, fame, and contribution to the world. When they think of all three, they want more peo ple to acknowledge their new inventions; so most items are invented for multi-functional purposes. When an inventor invents something, they must keep in mind the cost and time that it takes to construct it. These components are vital to an invention. If something costs too much because its materials cost a lot, most people likely will not buy it. If it takes too long to make, people, who are born without the angelic nature of patience, will become uninterested or give up on that one item. All these pieces will tell society officials whether or not it can be held as a legal invention toward the society. The everlasting needs and wants of the human life is what keeps the flame of greed always alight. In fact, it’s a wildfire. The Next Step Humanity is always faced toward the destiny of greed and jealousy. For that reason, we always want to improve and be above our enemies. Therefore, we put the things we like at the head of our lives and work to improve them, and put the things of our hatred in the back to diminish. The computer could mostly be considered as one of the positive items that make a modern human truly modern: it has a positive effect on our lives. Because of that, people will fight their enemies to get control over money and development of the computer. The ideas, creation, and feedback combine to make a way to invite more uses into the world. The ideas of companies run the main competitiveness between them. The â€Å"next step†is fit in full armor to clash into the battle and raging war. The human destiny is held firm upon the winning side and its fate can control our future. Our world of greed and competition direct at one point: the human race could not run without new items. New Developments. There have been a variety of new developments within computer and technology companies. Most people would agree that in present times, Apple is the leading technology/computer company. They developed many unique models and items, suc h as the iPhone. The iPhone was based off the idea of the iPad, which came later, but gives almost two-thirds of Apples yearly income! Microsoft is another leading company. It is mainly focused on the creation of laptops, touchscreen computers, two-in-one computers, etc. No matter what company you favor, all the companies will have developments that result in gains and losses in income and fame. That brings us to a point on Apple. It is on the brink of losing some of its income from the iPhone because the additional ideas for the iPhone are near bare. Even so, new ideas are rising, some as ideas and prototypes, and others on the market. Some new computers, ideas, and computer-based models from Apple are: Apple Watch (early 2015) IPad Air/Mini (already out) IOS improvements (iOS 8) OS X Yosemite (Mac Generations) Mac Pro These inventions, though they may seem amazing already are only the start. Every day, people use Amazon worldwide. Yet Amazon wants more customers, so they have used computer technology to develop a drone that delivers the item bought in a minimal amount of time. How? By flight. The drone clips the boxed item between its four feet and flies off like a tiny helicopter, full with choppers. It lands next to your doorstep, drops the package, and flies back for its next delivery. These cool inventions draw the attention of people who wish for better items, and therefore, fulfill the goals of both the creator and the buyer. Company/Brand vs. Earth: the supply and demand conflict. Though these exciting, new inventions are drawing crowds, there is a problem: the Earth has a limited number of supplies. Even though this drainage of supplies is far in the future, just being alert is a good start. Because companies work to earn more money, they make more of the products so people will buy m ore for lower prices. Companies then gain more by selling more because they sell each for less, so the likely number of customers will rise. This company and money greed is what causes the supply and demand problem to arise. If companies make more, their supplies will go down. But the more they make for less prices, the more money they get, assuming the probability of customers rises. And because humans are born with greed, there will be no way to improve the computer without enough supplies. So our concluding result and point I’m trying to make here is that more computers mean more money, and that means less supplies. But even though this is a conflict, many companies have thought ahead and have made their computer and technology as eco-friendly as possible. They use recycled materials to create coverings, or recycled insulators, such as forms of rubber, to achieve their goal. In this way, we can have more variety and more efficient use in the most ecologically friendly way. Future Uses. Because of the publicity of new items, future uses will expand. Graphing and stronger telescopes and microscopes are to major improvement points that will be of extreme use to the society. Graphing helps mathematicians and scientists by both making conclusions and calculations more mathematically accurate. This could affect the world by figuring the possibilities or exact probability of some certain occasion. Magnification, or microscopic usage can help with the terrestrial diseases. Scientists can take a closer zoom on the bacteria and germs, to see the composition of their object. For extra-terrestrial objects, computers can help by allowing scientists to make more complex satellites that can see farther into the solar system. This way, we can learn more about the universe to feed our own â€Å"origin theory†desires. But the computer’s newer inventions also have great effects on the average person, also. The computer can publicly or privately video anything the owner wishes to do. With stronger pixels, pictures can show more clearly and more realistically. That way, people can more clearly and more easily explain the beauty (or disgust) of the subject of the picture, such as a landscape, a flower, or a new design. The inner beauty is very immersing, also, but I’m quite afraid our â€Å"exciting†journey is coming to and end. So let’s wrap it up now. Conclusion The human life today is impossible to truly comprehend. You can spend hours and hours trying to wrap all the logic you can into the computer, but never will you find all the usages of the computer. The understanding of the computer is an adventure that will take you farther than the screen. It will take you through history until you can at last dig up the roots. The journey in the study of computer usage passes through creation, reason, invention, politics, and even war. It seems as if the human life force today is completely dependent on this small invention that has given us more items than ever. With these awe-inspiring computers that are in our everyday life comes robots, drones, new kinds of medicines, quicker communication, and photography, to name just a few. The list is endless! And now that you have your overview, its time to take your trip. You may be wondering, â€Å"So where do I start?†Anywhere, of course. You can go to the library, take a real trip to a factory, or just stay at home and use a laptop. No money needed! Just grab a laptop and sit down on your sofa to get ready for the long adventure ahead: you’re really going to get sucked into this teleporter-time machine!
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